Project Description

News Paper Printing

TYPE OF INDUSTRYNews Paper Printing Industry, Uttar Pradesh, India



  • Low power factor
  • High Monthly Electricity Bill.
  • Frequent Failure of Existing Capacitor Banks.
  • Frequent breakdown in Printing M/cs


After conducting Power Quality Audit in the plant following observation are made.

  • The THD I is found 17 %. Which is very high. The PF is low 0.69.

  • Frequent Electrical breakdowns in the M/cs during printing process. which result to lots of wastage of Paper and Production Time.
  • The problems were serious during operation on Generators.

  • More Electricity Bill due to low Power Factor.


Automatic Passive Harmonic Filter Banks to improve Power Factor & Control Harmonics.

Project Implementation

Design, Manufacturing & Installation of Automatic Passive Tuned Harmonic filter bank 1000 kvar 660 V

System Improvement Post Implementation

Measurement at main incomer — Supply
Sr No. Parameters Before Installation of Harmonic Filter banks After Installation of Harmonic Filter bank
1. Fundamental Current I1 321 A 226 A
2. 3rd Harmonic Current I3
3. 5th Harmonic Current I5 68.4 A 23. 8 A
4. 7th Harmonic Current I7 8.4 A 5 A
5. 11th Harmonic Current I11 19.2 A 12 A
6. 13th Harmonic Current I13 18 A 12 A
7. 17th Harmonic current I17 15.6 A 12 A
8. Total Harmonic Distortion Current % 16.81% 7.2 %
9. Cos Ø 0.69 0.99
10. True RMS current Amp 321 224
11. True RMS Voltage V/ Phase 228 230
12. Total KW 151.8 150.92
13. Total KVA 220 154


  • THDI reduced to < 7.2% from 17%
  • PF improvement to 0.99 from 0.69 lag
  • 30 % saving in KVA decreased.
  • Reduction in Electrical Breakdown in the Plant.
  • Reduction in Monthly Electricity Bill.